Telegraphing Civil Unrest – How the Left Uses False Narratives to Destroy America.

 Telegraphing Civil Unrest – How the Left Uses False Narratives to Destroy America.

I have written on this topic several times over the last months before the upcoming election.  People who think the anarchy in major progressive cities, the false crises of mass police injustice, and the radicalization of youth are not being orchestrated by the radical left are delusional. 


The tactics, techniques and procedures being used today, are very much the same that the radical left has used for centuries to grab power illegally.  They do so again today. 


They push false narratives that our CJCS and SECDEF bought into so much that they “apologized” for walking with our President after the use of national guard to bring peace to the streets of DC, all while a church next to the White House burned! 


They do this because they want to ensure that our military is neutered while they undertake massive civil unrest.  The same as why they are letting out of prison murderers, rapists, and other criminals – in mass while they are at the same time removing authorities of police to enforce the law.


The left does not care who dies, how many are murdered, or how much is destroyed in gaining power.  That is why you have not to date seen NONE of the top Democrats condemn outright the violence, the assassination of our police on the streets, or condemnation of BLM and Antifa.  In fact, you see the exact opposite from Pelosi, Waters, AOC all calling for civil unrest, supporting BLM and Antifa, and calling for people to assault and engage innocents on the streets. 


Ask yourself, that day at the White House, while the church next door burned, and looting ran rampant on the streets – who was responsible?


Did the church burn because Donald Trump was the anti-Christ as the left would wish you to believe, or did it burn because a left wing anarchist/fascist from BLM and Antifa through a fire bomb into the child care center of the church?


Dystopian. An article in the Washington Post – which I refer to as the Bezos People’s Daily today, Sunday, 13 September 2020 – once again telegraphs the left's intent to drive massive civil unrest and anarchy, but provides the excuses by turning truth on its head to tell you "it's Trump's fault." for the massive civil unrest. The article by- Rachel Kleinfeld (who it states is a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Her most recent book is “A Savage Order: How the World’s Deadliest Countries Can Forge a Path to Security.”) is telling of her warped and dystopian view, and how Carnegie’s legacy has been hijacked by the extreme left. 


The left for the last 200+ years gained power by creating false crises (e.g., police abuse), covering their failures (social justice for blacks in progressive cities), and then attacking the very foundation of democracy (e.g., supporting the shooting and murder of police (do you hear ANY Democrats condemning?-NO)), accusing law enforcement as being Nazis (Pelosi, Maxine Waters, AOC), and then removing the power to enforce the law to allow anarchy to reign supreme (Portland, Seattle, DC, Chicago, etc.).


Americans best wake up and push these nut cases back into their Marxist utopian hell holes they came from - or YOU and YOUR families will be living under the jack boot of liberal tyranny. If you ignore the reality of chaos before your eyes and vote for #Biden #Harris - then you will reap what you sow, as America we know will no longer be viable.


Just ask yourself - what exactly is the Dem's platform? What policies do they stand for? Besides attacking Trump, the democrats message is a hollow shell - filled with Marxist, socialist, communist policies.  The current campaign by the democrats is devoid of substance – the same with the Obama administration.

 The article in the Bezos People’s Daily twists the truth in an awful and perverted manner to paint the current administration as the cause for the violence and rage, and puts forth a dystopian argument to cover for the left’s desired anarchy, civil unrest and mayhem that they will continue and expand upon the re election of Donald J. Trump.   

She states "...Decades of research on violence, ranging from 1960s protests in Germany and Italy to terrorist movements in North Africa today, has found that government repression is the turning point that shifts peaceful movements toward violence. Organizations trying to operate within the system look weak and foolish, while violent splinter groups swell with new recruits from the fearful and angry. Protesters and the state feed each other’s violence in a vicious spiral. Data shows that this is precisely what happened in Portland, Ore., where violence escalated after the deployment of federal security forces this summer."


My comment - What a total lie and crock of bullshit.  The violence escalated well before and continues today. Before and after federal law enforcement stopped the attempts to burn down the federal courthouse. But this lying left wing nut who puts herself forward as an “educated” policy professional, is just another example of the false narratives used.  History is filled, including our colleges and universities with nut case liberals like her.


Rachel then goes on to say … “Soon, polarized populations begin rationalizing, downplaying or even denying the violence from their side. Moderates begin to silence themselves, fearing for their jobs, social standing or lives. Even partisans once seen as extreme begin to face similar consequences if they try to stand against dehumanization, intimidation or violence.” 


But then she goes even further in her dystopian radical left rant by noting Why speak when David Shor, a liberal former Obama campaigner, can be fired for tweeting a study about the negative political effects of violent protest tactics? Even partisans once seen as extreme begin to face similar consequences, as when the evangelical conservative writer David French was attacked from the right for defending civility."


Are you kidding me!!!  The left has totally silenced the majority of America through physical violence, continued intimidation by mobs, mobs of left looney and she uses “a” example of a left-wing nut being fired for a tweet?  This is how the left drives the false narratives. 

The link to the fuller article is at the end of this blog.  Just remember, the Chinese Communist Party is a major source of revenue to the Bezos People’s Daily. As we all know the head of America’s counterintelligence has stated emphatically that China does not want Trump re-elected. 

Americans must wake up, or you’ll be woke by the tyranny of the left who continues to use the likes of this article to push propaganda, disinformation, dystopian views of reality as they ready to disrupt via violence and civil unrest our republic – so that they can take power illegally for that which they will lose at the ballot box.

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