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The Real Cover-up on Russian Collusion and Deflection!

As the media/Democrats try to tar and feather AG Barr, and tell you that President Trump is trying to "deflect" attention from Covid-19, let's compare the evidence.


Trump first - what was the basis of the nearly four years of FISA warrants, the Mueller investigation, and impeachment, Flynn case, etc.?

- An unverified dossier, paid, for by an opponent's campaign. That is now proven to be completely false. Period.


What is the basis for investigating the Obama administration?

-          Unmasking (legal), but note the timelines, and leaking the classified call to two or more papers (illegal)


-          Missing 302 on Flynn

-          No Counter-intelligence briefing to Trump campaign, only Democrats


-        Use of Invalidated dossier – of RUSSIAN propaganda – by the DNI, Dir CIA, Dir FBI, Schiff, Mueller, etc. – remember Intel Community tradecraft 101 – validate source


-          DOJ IG inspection turning up fraud, and other material issues across overall investigation


-          Multiple testimonies in private/closed/ classified hearings where Obama officials stated they had “no evidence” of collusion, yet in public on multiple media outlets (television and print) the same accused Trump as being a compromised or manipulated Putin patsy or spy – Schiff, Comey, Brennan and Clapper


-          Leaks fit years of the same MO of CIA to NY Times and WashPost


-          The Directors of FBI, DNI and CIA briefing the POTUS and leak on unverified dossier only reason to leak - tradecraft 101 – (day before it was leaked to press)


-          Literally no efforts to counter Russian intrusions into the 2016 election by the Obama administration

-          Rushed Intelligence Community Assessment - post election – that left out intelligence on (Brennan) the Russian’s actually favoring Hillary

-          Couple dozen FBI agents fired, demoted, moved for fraud, illegal acts, lying

-          Blatant anti-Trump political commentary made to professional IC audiences and other by DNI and Dir CIA “before” they left administration – still acting as government officials

-          Jim Comey admitting to setup of Flynn in not following protocols for the interview

-          Hillary campaign paid for dossier, knowing Steele did get info from Russia

-          Likely use of paid intelligence agents via 3rd party countries to spy on campaign months earlier

-          Massive number of fraudulent FISA warrants

-          Numerous text messages between FBI seniors that speak to “insurance policy” and other

-          Former Secretary of State destroying blackberry's sending hundreds/thousands of classified emails, not turning over DNC server to FBI – we may never know what she was hiding or why

-          The Chairman of the House Permanent Intelligence Committee blatantly lying to the American people for years that he had incontrovertible “evidence” of collusion – crickets never produced, now we know it never existed

And what was the end game here after a totally biased media parroted these lies for four years

-          First two Pulitzer Prize articles – we now know where fabrications and lies (they need to be rescinded)

-          Second, numerous other print and TV retractions

-          Several innocent people bankrupt or harassed and reputations destroyed – in addition to Flynn

-          A few convictions for lying or not reporting – that had NOTHING to do with collusion

-          Dividing the country with a sham impeachment

-          The USE and PURCHASE of RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA and DISINFORMATION by an opposing campaign, top intel officials and members of Congress (all very useful idiots)

-          Three years of a sham investigation and sham impeachment trial all showing no collusion by Trump administration


And two “stories” that exemplify the false narratives of the Democratic Party and how compliant and obedient the biased media is in covering up the REAL Collusion and REAL crimes against our Republic and Constitution.  The Wash Post’s new moniker should be “We shuts the lights off on democracy, so you don’t have to.”


2020 © Edward L. Haugland LLC, All Rights Reserved


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