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Advancing a Nightmare – not the American Dream - The Strategy of the Democrat’s Radial Socialist Left for America!

Advancing a Nightmare – not the American Dream - The Strategy of the Democrat’s Radial Socialist Left for America!

The strategy is emerging from the dust out of the Democrats lame response to the Covid19 pandemic. 

Partisan Impeachment Forever to hide the Fraud & Lies

First, while impeaching the President in a sham Stalinist Show Trial – they ignored the events occurring in Wuhan, as they did in Hong Kong and Taiwan.   Hell bent on impeaching the President – the Democrats under Nancy and Chuck – wanted to “tar and feather” this administration for purely partisan purposes, using lies, deceit, fake whistleblowers, and a legion of unelected bureaucrats that thought too highly of themselves.  And in the end, we saw the most partisan impeachment in history, marked by a celebration by the fanatical power mongering left with Nancy drooling in glee as she handed out $10K gold pens in celebration. 

Now that the whole Collusion scam is blowing up in their face faster than Adam Schiff can lie, they are trying to switch gears to hearings on the response to the pandemic.  It’s as if they’re saying “look over there.”  Talk about deflecting blame – as the fraud they committed on the American public over the last four years begins hitting the fan. 

Deflecting Irrelevant Numbers & Racist Labels –

Irrelevant Numbers - If you’ve been paying attention, the press could give a rat’s ass about the lives of average Americans, or about getting the economy back on track.  No, their focus since the pandemic has been on the numbers…of masks, ventilators, infected, unemployed, tests…not on whether we were getting better, can make better informed logical decisions to reopen etc.   The focused on the numbers as their narrative was to highlight the panic, the misery and how “bad” all things are – so that they could later advance a narrative of America is in a death spiral.  It didn’t matter that the number of tests went from near zero to tens of millions, the questions kept coming on why the POTUS was testing more?  Not for what purpose, for what reason, for what outcome – but just TEST everyone!!!  Make sure everyone has a mask.  But not a peep about making sure people can go back to work.  Not a peep about the massive deaths in NY darling Cuomo’s “dens of death” at assisted living facilities.  Cuomo in all fairness did try, with knowledge he had, but so did the Florida governor.  As Cuomo cried out on his TV show every day for new ventilators, testing, masks for all, and new hospital beds needed – he forced the infected elderly back into their facilities to infect the rest – rather than use the new beds and facilities provided. But not a peep from the perps in the press.

Now the press and democrats are focused on the unemployment numbers.  Shocking! Not.  Every biased media outlet is advancing a negative narrative and panic noting the economy is likely to “never” recover and jobs “lost forever.”  And anyone trying to actually open the economy back up, like Trump, is attacked viciously.  Notice the targeting of solely Republican governors for reopening their states (not noting that 47 of 50 states are opening). 

The radical left’s push is to “keep the country closed” not for safety, but so they can continue to harp on the negative, pick at numbers without discussing whether they are relevant to a solution or not, and advance panic, fear and depression.  Why – all to undermine Trump in November.   Their narrative is negative numbers are good – because they can blame them all on Trump.  That’s why they keep raising the numbers – as noted, they could care about the people and actual lives or livelihood.

Racist Labels- Now we’ve seen this ever since Trump entered the ring for the election.  The democrats tried with all their might continue to paint the President and his supporters as racist. It began with Hillary and her dismissing Trump’s supporters as deplorables.  It continued with false accusations of racism against the Covington teenager who was confronted by a left-wing Indian masquerading as the victim.  It continues today with jokes like of ‘bouffant hairdo’ Joe Scarborough, Wash Compost reporters, and others calling the president “racist” over his answers to a lame, gotcha question, by a disillusioned member of the press.  No matter that Trump’s response was exactly the same to numerous others over the last four months – the left twisted the “perception” to their narrative once again.

And let’s not forget, the President was called a “racist” for closing flight to China and other countries – by nonetheless Joe “Xi’s best friend” Biden, AOC, and the Bern.  Then the same miscreants came back later and said he didn’t close the borders fast enough.  Hmmm, the same borders that the radical left wants fully open before, during and post pandemic –while they also release criminals and rapists into the streets and advocate for locking up business owners to trying to feed their family.  Get the picture.

The intent of this narrative and line of attack is to stop the hemorrhaging of black, Hispanic, women and other voters – who actually saw Trump bringing jobs-not handouts, opportunity-not dependency, and freedom-not control. Which brings me to another element of their strategy.

Advancing Economic Dependency to sustain a base –

The open borders plan wasn’t enough.  The easy registration for mail voting in California, without proof of citizenship or voter id isn’t enough.  Now that the people and economy are impacted and trying to recover – the 3 trillion dollar plan really lays out the radical left’s intent.  First, only a few billion of the trillions is for actual loans to small business.  But the amnesty for illegals, payments to illegals, payments to all Americans to stay at home and not go to work, and payments to lobbyists, the arts and other irrelevant items to recovery say it all. 

The radical left has had fifty years of broken socialist policies that destroyed the family unit, closed availability to educational opportunities to minorities while they went to their own elite private schools, and built a broader plantation for all races – to create a class of perpetual dependents forever.  The 3 trillion doesn’t “teach one to fish” to advance independence and opportunity.  No, it looks to stop any economic recovery, dishing out government money to a larger group, to expand the plantation of dependency.

The American public would do well to look at the cities with the largest unemployment, largest numbers of Covid19 deaths and infections, the largest groups of illegals and you will also see the least opportunity for advancement, the largest groups of minorities, murders, rapes, drug abuse, spousal abuse, poor education, etc.  Who runs those states and cities?  Who’s run them for the last fifty-plus years?  Democrats.  The strategy and narrative of the radical left hasn’t changed, it blame, call names, and say “do as I say, not as I do.” 

It’s truly disgusting approach that should be evident to all Americans.  The radical left is not about the American Dream, it’s about creating a nightmare, panic and fear so they can advance dependency and control all towards the ultimate goal – power, absolute power.

2020 ©️ Edward L. Haugland LLC, All Rights Reserved


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