Merry Christmas & The Blessing of Freedom

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This Christmas - the one gift you should be forever grateful for, and thank the many who who gave this gift via their ultimate sacrifice is #FREEDOM.

The balance of the Information Equilibrium© remains tilted towards freedom and democracy, yet there are many challenges we face as a nation and individuals - here in the USA, and abroad. Passing on this great gift we call Freedom  to other generations requires diligence.

For those born in the USA or who are naturalized citizens, count your blessings, do not take freedom for granted, nor become complacent.  And, remember to fully take advantage of this wonderful opportunity we have in America.

What's ironic is the many who immigrated here understood what freedom means and the opportunities our country offers. Those of our greatest generation did as well, for they sacrificed greatly to retain it.

Unfortunately a large percentage of our population seems to not appreciate or understand that they are truly privileged.  Once here, born or other, the opportunities are open to all, with the primary limitation being oneself.  The American Dream remains a reality.

So - if your feeling a bit down this holiday season - just watch how despots use intimidation or social credit scores to control, tune into Hong Kong, monitor the masses fleeing Syria, etc. and then remember the gift you've been handed that billions of people who would give all for what we've been blessed to receive!
© Edward L Haugland, All Rights Reserved, 2019


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