Disinformation and Deception in America 

Disinformation and Deception in America

 1. Do our people realize they're being duped?

2. Do you really believe this has stopped?

3. With the totally biased media, even if your dead you'd see that, there are several levels of deception, lies and manipulation.

Do NOT doubt there are more efforts to conduct disinformation and deception.  Why would one think the DNC or Hillary has changed?

When one reads about how the voters were purposefully mislead via planted calls (see article), even though it happened sometime ago, why would the tiger (Hillary) or partner (DNC) change their stripes later in 2016, or today as she teams up with her friendly socialist Warner?

The liberal and radical left elites - have always tended to tell others to do "as I say, but NOT as I do,"

How else could Al Gore be a jet setting multi-millionaire selling carbon credits while flying in a private jet and having a home that's 5-10X avg carbon footprint.  How else could Bernie Sanders,  socialist/communist extraordinary be a multi millionaire (add numerous Hollywood elites). How else could trust fund children like Beto O'Rourke look to forcefully take away your 2nd amendment rights while saying his gift of charity is the fact he's running for office.  How else could every single Democratic nominee raise their hand stating illegal aliens should be given free health care, when 20 + million Americans don't have health care and this year alone the Democrats allowed at least another million illegals easy entry to "your" neighborhood...of course they're not allowed in "theirs."  Or, how else could we see 530 plus murders per year of mostly African Americans in just Chicago- yet the Democrats only cry when mostly white people are killed, or cops kill someone in self defense.  And how else do cities, majority run by Democrats,  turn into 3rd world rat infested cities with people camping, urinating and defecating in the streets?

But of course,  not in their neighborhoods. However,  it's perfectly fine in your neighborhood,  school,  etc

Are the entranced so blind they'll sell their freedoms for the false promises and Potemkin Village? The answer: Yes. Look at Venezuela.  It can happen here.

This is not about helping people.  It's literally about acquiring power, absolute power.

 Let's look at a few details.

 First, let's look at who actually undermined the 2016 election. Well the Democrats "establishment " fixed, literally fixed, the 2016 Democratic primary. Bernie Sanders was totally undermined.

 Second, the DNC with Fusion GPS did actually collude - and likely with Russia and others- to create false dossier.

Third. To ensure success they had their operatives in the DNI, CIA, DOJ and FBI undertake a likely illegal spying operation against the political opposition.

Forth they then undertook an "insurance" policy likely using our DOJ, FBI, CIA and DNI and special prosecutor to undermine legitimacy of a president.

And now, after the abysmal and detached testimony of the independent counsel (so called investigator), continue to try to pry open the coffin of "Russian collusion" from 10ft under via Congressional hearings. If you've been paying attention, by now you're likely feeling like need a shower.

We in America are not so special that we can't be manipulated. Nor are we immune from internal propaganda.  We see 85% plus of today's so called free press are no longer trusted.

So regardless of your political affiliation,  you best go forward eyes wide open. While Russia and China are indeed threats to our democracy,  it is the internal threat that is likely the most dangerous.



  1. I'm a very easy sell. The first party that provides something along the lines of a right to know legislation about the use of non kinetic weapons and how they are leveraged to control the thought process of citizens they will have my vote. I want the entire spectrum of devices exposed. The capacity to spy is too hurtful and infinite in population scope. Thanks for the comments.


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