Vietnam to South Africa: Lessons Not Learned - America is Losing
Vietnam to South Africa – Lessons Not Learned America is Losing The purpose of this article is to bring a dose of reality to the American public and to burst our utopian bubble, complacency, and false sense of security. The objective is to ensure Americans understand the reality of the ongoing cognitive war we are in. We must start using our brains vice react based on emotion – or lose our country, freedom, and independence to the evil of tyranny. Our security and military power are not invincible. Our borders and two oceans are no longer impenetrable. Our nation is in a battle for its survival. We are in a Cognitive War, it is a very deadly war, as it includes irregular warfare, terrorism, and outright subversion. We see it playing out in front of our disbelieving eyes in Israel today. We refuse to see it is occurring in the United States of America today, just as we refused to see it from Vietnam to South Africa. This is a fact, not a joke. Our fore...