
When Hell Freezes Over - Ed Haugland on JB Wells Ark Midnight

Image The discovery of the illegal Chinese bio weapons lab in California and what it potentialy means for America- When Hell Freezes Over  Ark Midnight - 8 -5-2023 When Hell Freezes Over China & Biden’s Terrorism? I focus on the illegal Chinese bioweapon’s lab / warehouse accidentally discovered in California  - Why should Americans be concerned? What was in/at the lab? - What is the plan, purpose, desired impact? By whom? - Is our compromised President involved? What about Governor Newsom? JB Wells Ark Midnight, the Intelligence Briefing Ed Haugland lays it out starting at: 2:08:37

Politics and Policies of Progressives - the National Security Hour with Ed Haugland

Image In this episode, Dr. Mike, Col Mike, and Ed Haugland discuss several recent developments, but with a focus on the intent, plan, and desired outcomes of the progressive left – as they discuss the Politics and Policies of the Progressives. How and why are Americans being pushed a set of narratives that include the numerous indictments of Trump, the need to  “fix”  the military with woke policies, the purposeful destruction of our legal justice system, continued identification of new fraud and illegal ballots from 2020, enabling illegals, and the purposeful efforts to undermine our 2016, 2020, and 2022 elections. What’s the purpose of these narratives and actions? Why is President Biden being so nonchalant in attitude as we see him take a two-week vacation as we find out more about how the compromised President and his son are selling America to our adversaries and watch his minions in the mainstream me...

The Dystopian Decline of Rights! - the National Security Hour with Ed Haugland

Image In this episode, Mr. Haugland speaks about the  Dystopian Decline of our Rights  as he discusses several current examples of how the radical progressive left and democrats continue to eat away at our Constitutional and Civil rights. The discussion includes the efforts of China, for which the former head of US Counterintelligence at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) calls this a “terrorism event.” We discuss the individual case of a seven-year-old boy, a nurse, students at the University of Connecticut, and other examples of the infringement and undermining of your rights that continue daily across America.  Mr. Haugland also speaks to some potential solutions to fight back, including states exercising their fullest 10th  and 2nd  Amendment rights by preparing for worst-case scenarios in the upcoming 2024 election by standing up, deputizing, and expanding state militias – in...

The Stockholm Syndrome, Insanity, Culture Wars & Complacency - National Security Hour broadcast

  In this episode, Mr. Haugland speaks about Stockholm Syndrome and how it applies to understanding why Democrats continue to vote for the same party and then expect a completely different outcome. The Stockholm Syndrome, Insanity, Culture Wars & Complacency - America Out Loud News Something some people note is the definition of insanity. But we must add to this group those Republicans who continue to vote for RINOs like Romney, Murkowski, Graham, and others who’ve shown their allegiance is not to our country nor Constitution but aligned more with the Democrat’s dystopian intent. I’ll then cover how this syndrome is being expanded, via the appropriation of the transgender issue, to further divide Americans and use it as a weapon to attack, sensor, and subjugate people. The radical left seeks not to advance transgender rights – which they already have – like all Americans – under our Consti...

The Stockholm Syndrome! Explaining Liberal Loyalties to a Dystopian Democrat Party

Image Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, the squad, Clyburn, Biden, Harris, Sanders, Watters, Warner, Caine, and hundreds of others across the Democratic left wing – either applauded, supported, or sought funding to keep these violent acts going. Americans forget that thousands of businesses were boarded up to protect their investments from mayhem when… Read on…if you wish to understand the truth!

The Stockholm Syndrome - Part II - Explaining Liberal Loyalties to a Dystopian Democratic Party

    The Stockholm Syndrome - Part II Explaining Liberal Loyalties to a Dystopian Democratic Party Originally published in January 2021 on this blog,  I have slightly updated this article given its pertinence in explaining the ongoing madness.  It is amazing, that after six decades of continual decline of black and other minority communities in real terms of poverty, drug use, incarceration, child abuse, abortions, murders, etc. in predominately democrat run cities and states - that we still find a majority of minorities, liberal college educated white women, and a variety of men still voting for the democratic party. And likewise, find many republicans still voting for RINOs. And both, expecting something different. Remember the history of the democrat party. It is the party of slavery, the party that fought to enslave our nation, the party that fought the Civil Rights Act, and passed laws and policies under the Obama and Biden administration, supported...

Election 2024, Are We Ready, or Are We Sunk? Viewpoint This Sunday

Image 2024 Elections |  President  Biden out-raised Republicans this cycle. Trump and DeSantis are battling each other vice communicating what they will do to address failed Democrat policies. But Republicans have not laid out their message, plan, policies, or strategy. Normal Politics or a Blood Sport? |  The Democrats are driving conservatives to react by creating distractions. We hear of third-party candidates impacting Biden’s chances, while we also hear he may not be the nominee. Have we learned anything from 2016 and 2020? Legislation & Policy |   While the Committee on Weaponization is holding hearings, we see little to nothing from the candidates, the Republican National Committee, the Heritage Foundation, or the Claremont Institute about the legislation and policy they will put in place to fix the deep state, weaponization of national security,...