
Why Freedom Is Losing

  Why Freedom Is Losing   Our nation is in a real war, it is a war that has been waged for a millennium prior to the founding of the United States of America, and it is a war that will continue for the next millennia and more.   It is a Cognitive War.   In simple terms the Cognitive War is a war between those who seek to advance tyranny, control, and subjugation versus those who seek to advance freedom, humanity, and democracy.   It is a war of ideas, ideology, and narratives –enabled by varied means, methods, and measures –to include at times violence, kinetics, and asymmetric warfare.   It is a war in which deception, deceit and dystopian views are crafted in a manner to be passed off as the truth and fact.   And it is a war that is occurring globally and domestically.   I define the Cognitive Domain as: The domain of the human mind -ideas, ideology, function, reason, etc.   The Cognitive Domain encompasses all other domains -the um...

Killing Putin

  Killing Putin How do we incentivize his people to do the best thing for Russia and the world? ·         First, we must realize we lost the cold war once this war started. When we walked away from the black market driven former Soviet Union, we walked away from several countries whose people sought to ensure the removal of the yoke of tyranny. We lost the Cognitive War, and now have lost the battle we call the Cold War. We have more in common with average Russians - as they seek to be free from tyranny that is run their country for centuries. Yet, we closed shop on being able to compete and maintain stability in the ongoing Cognitive War. ·          Second, Russians tasted the wickedness/murder of Lenin, Stalin, and others - so they know now what they have. They just need help to move to the next level of freedom. As we have seen and hear, their troops have absolutely no incentive to invade Ukraine. And the Russian ...

Defeating Dystopia – Why We Need a Strategy

                                                     Defeating Dystopia – Why We Need a Strategy   The basic reality in this world – is there is an ongoing battle that’s thousands of years old. It’s been ongoing since the dawn of mankind. It is between good and evil. The basic principles have not, and will not, change. On the side of evil, we see those who seek the control and subjugation of others aligned to the seven deadly sins of pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. On the side of good we see those who seek to advance humanity, the rule of law, freedom, independence, opportunity, and security of not only the individual but society.   The main battlefield for this war has not changed. It is taking place in the cognitive domain – the domain. I call this battle between good and evil, a Cognitiv...