
Showing posts from January, 2022

We Need Greater Dumb-Control

  We Need Greater Dumb-Control I agree with the guy, who they say won the 2020 Election Slow Joe – for once. Just this weekend he made a specific statement about the need for greater dumb-control. This was, after all, an obvious typical and political statement coming at an awkward time. Given that he made the statement when speaking about the terrorist who held Jewish parishioner’s hostage. At a Jewish Synagogue. On Sabbath. Perhaps his call for greater dumb-control was partially tied to the FBI’s statement this terrorist wasn’t targeting Jews?   But I digress. Slow Joe did say, for once, something truthful this weekend when he stated “I — we — I don’t have all the facts… [1] ”   This is likely a good example of what one could call a BIG understatement! While not obvious to Slow Joe at the time, or any day, this statement can also be applied like a blanket to his whole career to include his current tenure as a possibly legitimate commander in chief. But hold on. The...

Preventing an Insurrection by Useful Idiots - A Response to 3 Generals on Insurrection

  Preventing an Insurrection by Useful Idiots This is a response to the ineptness and an obvious case of what Lenin called “useful idiots” advancing disinformation in an ongoing Domestic Cognitive War.” Despite nearly 100 years of service to our country, these flag officers demonstrated in spades the cognitive dissonance [1]  of our generals and admirals. They have been politicalized from the Obama years and have supported kinetic, unnecessary wars.  Their opinion piece in the Washington Post on 17 December 2021 left me stunned. I purposefully waited to craft a response – as we see a false narrative driven by their kind grow across the lemmings of the left as they revisit, recraft, and reengineer the history of 6 Jan ’21. Their opinion is why I believe it’s likely necessary to fire 90% of the general and admirals, as they remain stuck in the group think industrial age mindset that puts us on a course for only one solution – a massive kinetic war – as if we have not seen...

The Manchurian President part Ii This unverified link speaks to the prior post I've written on the Compromised Manchurian President.  Much is definitely fact. Why is it the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DNI, and Congress aren't pursuing the truth???

The Corrupt, Complicit, Compliant and Complacent - The Left's #Domestic #CognitiveWar on America

  Corrupt, Complicit, Compliant and Complacent - today I joined the Two Mikes in a pod cast. The article covering some of the discussions plus more will soon follow. The Corrupt, Complicit, Compliant, and Complacent -   The Left's #Domestic #CognitiveWar on America As we approach the anniversary of 6 Jan ’21, we must put things in proper perspective. The left’s narrative is focused on a few miscreants, with some damage, but is intended to hide, deceive, and disregard the massive ongoing corruption and complicit actions of the far left – the comufascists – who are undermining our Constitution, Democracy, Republic, Freedoms, Independence, and Opportunity. We must begin to move on, drive, and push a proactive, positive narrative, which speaks to the truth of what is happening today. We, those who love freedom, lost the narrative on the events of 6 January 2021, because...