The Real Extremists – SECDEF Austin & CJCS Staff Mark Milley & Their Lemmings of the Left U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (L) and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley (R) testify during a hearing before the House Committee on Armed Services on June 23, 2021, in Washington, D.C. ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES So, we’ve seen Milley proclaim his concern for understanding “white rage.” We’ve also seen this hypocrite partisan proclaim how he worried about President Trump – a duly elected President – was going off the rails. So, what gives this single, political partisan, moron the right to then bypass his chain of command, and spend his time talking to the left wing ideologs like Pelosi, Schumer, and the Chinese military Communists about how to stop the President from doing something he, nor anyone else was contemplating? Furthermore, we previously saw this sorry partisan general “apologize” for standing with the President,...