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United We Stand - Take Back America!

United We Stand - Take Back America! Americans are the most privileged citizens on earth. Period!   Regardless of whether one gained their citizenship by birth or naturalization – if you are an American, you are one of the most, if not most, privileged people on the face of this earth.   Yet that is not what we are told by our so called “ruling class,” the self-anointed “elites,” who call themselves progressive? The purpose of this article is to speak to the actual reality - that “we,” as a nation, are truly not so divided. That we share much in common each day.   And one of those things is our belief in our country, our constitution, our freedoms, and fellow man.   The radical left’s efforts to divide us, and long-term efforts to indoctrinate our children with false narratives about our history, are aided and abetted by the propaganda pushed daily by their allies in mainstream media.   And compounded by the socialist – not social – media companies which push ...
  The Real Extremists – SECDEF Austin & CJCS Staff Mark Milley & Their Lemmings of the Left U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (L) and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley (R) testify during a hearing before the House Committee on Armed Services on June 23, 2021, in Washington, D.C.  ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES So, we’ve seen Milley proclaim his concern for understanding “white rage.”  We’ve also seen this hypocrite partisan proclaim how he worried about President Trump – a duly elected President – was going off the rails.  So, what gives this single, political partisan, moron the right to then bypass his chain of command, and spend his time talking to the left wing ideologs like Pelosi, Schumer, and the Chinese military Communists about how to stop the President from doing something he, nor anyone else was contemplating?  Furthermore, we previously saw this sorry partisan general “apologize” for standing with the President,...

Death to America- thanx Joe Biden

If you believe we'll make it to 2024 election,  you're smoking something from DC.  With our borders wide open, the Manchurian President focused on domestic white boogeyman with DHS, and thousands of Al Qaeda released,  and 9-11 anniversary coming...and the comufascists knowing 2022 will not work as they'll not be reelected, they will create, as I've stated/predicted, in several papers their own crises, or use one they've created based on their total inept governance, and use such to institute Marshall Law.    I predict we'll be lucky if we see 2022 election.  If we do, it will be well controlled,  as DHS just painted anyone who has doubts about 2020 as extremists. Mind you not any of the BLM Antifa or other real extremists who caused $2 billion and counting in damage, assasination of police, and attacks on Asians.   It sure wasn't some white boogeyman Trump supporters.  But now we see how caring this human rights President is - not very....

The Manchurian President

T he Manchurian President The way to crush the bourgeoisie [ the middle class] is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation [1] - Lenin   My opinion - As a former intelligence analyst and practitioner with over thirty-years of experience in national security across multiple executive departments, intelligence agencies, and defense organizations and services - is that President Biden is not only compromised but exemplifies the ultimate Manchurian President.  I also see him as a traitor to our nation – plain and simple. His actions and deeds, controlled by those we do not yet see, are purposefully destroying our democracy, our legal system, our freedoms, independence, and our republic.  I use Lenin’s quote – as it exemplifies the progressive left’s tactics, using today’s information-age technologies, in concert with our adversaries to destroy our nation, advance their vision of tyranny, ultimately to subjugate the people into pre-defined enclav...