Melting Pot to Boiling Pot - The Radical Left’s Identity Politics and Path to Genocide
Melting Pot to Boiling Pot The Radical Left’s Identity Politics and Path to Genocide The Melting Pot America invited the world to come to its shores, to assimilate into a new culture, and it is worked incredibly well for centuries. People from all parts of the earth seek to come to America for its freedoms, to be themselves, and to create, innovate, and take advantage of such an incredible opportunity. Over the decades since our founding, we have had varied issues with different ethnic groups assimilating whether the Germans, Poles, Ethiopians, etc. but for the most part – people coming to America have succeeded, thrived, and excelled mostly when they have become part of the American fabric. Over the decades of my service to our country, I nor my fellow colleagues in the military or civil service viewed each person by race, religion, ethnicity or other – we viewed them as fellow Americans. We saw the country unite in such form after 9-...