The Essence of the Domestic Cognitive War on America - A Cognitive Ponzi Scheme
The Essence of the Domestic Cognitive War on America A Cognitive Ponzi Scheme The headlines across the major networks are truly surreal. Yet, we have seen this play before, as we look back in history for like periods. For example, many Americans joined the communist party in 1918 through the 20’s. The Nazi was the next fetish of those without a brain, as the party grew in the 1930’s (fascists and communists are both far left – or #ComuFascists). Then we found the unhinged during the free-love, drugs, and anti-war rhetoric of the1960’s all fueled domestically and from abroad. We saw the resurgence again with the nuclear scare (e.g., red balloons) of the late 1970’s and early 1980’s driven by the so called anti-war – aka useful and naive idiots – who opposed the deployment of nuclear weapons to counter Soviet expansion – which with President Regan nailed the coffin shut on the Soviets. And today, where once again we see a set of narratives, propaganda, disinformation t...